Current Date Time in file

Current Date Time in the file

In this blog post, we will explore the different formats available in golang to capture the current server date and time in the file for an appropriate timestamp in any new posts created through hugo new posts\

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How to get the current time in MySQL

How to get the Current Server Time in MySQL

In this blog post, we will see how to get the current server time in the MySQL session.

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How to get the Grant Details

How to get the Grant Details in MySQL

In this blog post, we will see how to get the privileges granted for a particular user, or the currently logged in user with the MySQL Database.

A proper way to verify the privileges granted or revoked to an user, is a good practice for all the authorization activities.

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How to get the Current User Details

How to Get the Current User Details in MySQL

In this blog post, we will see the different ways we can get the currently logged in user in the MySQL Client inside the MySQL Session.

It is good to verify the currently logged in user details with the host name, for certain authentication and authorization purposes.

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My Social Profile

My Social Profile

A self reference on the social profiles and accounts of myself.

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Text Portrait in CSS

Text Portrait in CSS

A simple and interesting way to make a Text Portrait in CSS in a few simple steps.

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How to Add Images to Hugo Site

How to Add Images to Hugo Site

You can add any static resources (like images) in the static directory of your hugo site, and it can be referred with reference to the context root directly.

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Reset Sudo Password Ubuntu 20.04 LTS in WLS

This blog post explains the steps needed to reset the sudo password for the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS version in the WLS (Windows for Linux SubSystem) - Windows 10.

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Intro to Groovy

Intro to Groovy

The content for the blog post with the title → “Intro to Groovy” will go here.

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Groovy Nuances

Groovy Nuances - Map in Groovy

Map is a data structure that takes a set of key,value pairs. Remember, Map is NOT a Collection. It is not a member of Java Collection family. It is a data structure of its own.

Groovy Map offers a few flexible ways to manipulate the contents. Totally there are 6 ways to add an element (Key,Value pair) to Map, as follows.

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